陜西省橫山進出口有限責任公司成立于1999年,其前身為橫山縣外貿公司,公司注冊資金18000萬元,總資產1.8億元,現有員工76人,其中各類專業技術人員 18人。公司擁有從英國、日本引進的先進糧谷精選和檢驗設備,在榆林高新產業園設有綠豆精選加工廠,同時在天津市、吉林洮南市設有分公司,年加工各類精選綠豆3.5萬噸,年產值達5.2億元人民幣,累計創匯達1.5億美元。
公司成立近20年來,立足陜西榆林和吉林洮南優質的綠豆資源,在董事長姚廣龍先生的帶領下,秉承“立足農業產業的發展與農民創收,為消費者提供無公害綠色食品”的經營理念,堅持“ 品質至上、追求卓越”的企業精神,經過十幾年不平凡的發展歷程,取得了令人矚目的業績,在國內同行業中一直占據領導地位。
Shaanxi Hengshan Import & Export Ltd., founded in 1996, was formerly known as Hengshan County Foreign Trade Company. Now it has RMB 180 million of registered capital and its possession reaches RMB 180 million, existing staff of 76 people, among which 18 people are technicians. The company owns advanced equipment that can processes high purity mung beans over 35000 ton every year. With the annual output value hitting RMB 520 million; its foreign exchange income reaches $150 million.
During recent years, our company is awarded with the honors of “member of China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce” and “The City Leading Company in terms of agricultural industrialization in Shaanxi”. We have registered “HENGSHAN” and “TAONAN” trademark for our big and clean mung beans and “HENGSHAN” was awarded the title of famous brand in Shaanxi province. The company has adopted the ISO9001:2008 quality system certification and HACCP system certification. Our mung beans have been sold far to Japan, South Korea, UK and ect, which enjoys high prestige in the world market and keeps ranked first in foreign exchange among other companies.
Since the company has established it takes a leading position among domestic peers under the leadership of president Yao. We providing our consumers with green pollution-free food and pursuing excellent quality. During that amazing achievements have been obtained in all sectors after an extraordinary development for decades.